Launch of CETAAC Clean Chennai Postponed

Many of you would have come to know about our CETAAC CLEAN CHENNAI (CCC) initiative, which we were to have  inaugurated during our Onam get-together last weekend. However, due to the postponement of the getogether, the formal launch has been postponed to October 7th.

But the behind the scenes activity for the CCC initiative is gathering steam and many of our members, and some of their families have been wholeheartedly involved in the planning of the activities. To coordinate these activities related to the CCC and other allied efforts such as our tree planting and green Chennai initiatives, we have created a new WhatsApp group called the CETAAC CCC FAMILY group.

This is similar in concept to our public Facebook page. In this group, we can add all people connected with our social initiatives. CETAAC members, family members who are involved or want to be involved, even non CET friends like Ms Sudha, an environmentalist who is advising us on the CCC initiative or RJ Ajai, the former Radio Mirchi RJ who is drumming up our radio publicity.

This is NOT a social group, and should be strictly for the coordination of all matters related to CCC only. No forwards or posts unrelated to our CCC or Green Chennai activities will be permitted on this group.

We request our members who would like to be involved in the CCC initiative to message me or BalG, to add you to the CETAAC CCC Family Group. If any of your family members are interested in this, you are welcome to add them as well. 

Together, let’s work towards a Cleaner And Greener Chennai!!