The 2015 South Indian floods were the most devastating floods that Chennai ever experienced. It was due to the heavy rainfall of the northeast monsoon. This sporadic monsoon affected the Coramandel coast costing billions of losses. The natural disaster was at beginning considered as a manmade disaster, which later was identified as the former. Apart from the climate changes, the main reasons that caused the floods were illegal development and construction of building, poorly designed drainage systems. Another major cause was the wet lands being built over, as wet lands are the ones that prevent the floods.
This storm brought life to standstill and almost everyone experienced loss one way or the other. This was the one of the worst rains in 100 years. The loss was accounted to be huge. The government took necessary actions needed. Apart from the government the army and the navy came to her the flood victims by rescuing many, airdropping food supplies etc. Help from all over the country reached Chennai apart from the city itself.
CETAA Chennai was one of the major helping hands from the city. Their contributions did give some amount of relief to the victims of the flood. They made effort to collect the food supplies and necessary items from the members of the association and other close acquittances in order to help the flood affected regions.